Clean Culture | Texas – Nov. 2018

I guess I should start by saying better late than never with this coverage. Here you have a brand that is Killing it across the states throwing what a lot claim to be Bangers when it comes to Automotive Shows/Meets.  This past Nov. 2018 they came out to Round Rock, Texas and put out a pretty legit event and we were there to support.

Audi R8 Looks way better in person..
Early morning as everyone cleaned and got ready to be judged.
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A Very Special Coffee N’ Cars | When a community comes together. | Killeen,TX

This past weekend a group of very special people decided to turn Coffee N’ Cars Killeen which is originally a well known monthly automotive meet into a very special event to help a fellow automotive enthusiast. That enthusiast goes by the name of Bryan Vizcarrondo, Army veteran, husband to his beautiful wife Margarita Vizcarrondo and friend to many in our local community.

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ILDS WinterFest | Florida – 12/10/17

Here is an event I have seen grow from what was kid at the time hustling Plate frames out of his trunk to now one of the nicest events to hit the state of Florida every year.  Winter Fest, hosted by Roscoe Lewis & the ILDS Staff. Every year they come on out and continue to set the bar just a tad higher every year.  2017 was no different as they knocked it out the park like they always do…

RWB Porsche | Doesn’t get better than this..

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